M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy
The Pinwheel Galaxy is a face-on spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. It is approximately 21 million light years from earth. Captured in this image you can see other distant galaxies that appear as oblong stars or smudges. I have included a cropped image as well. These images were taken from my back yard and on a camping trip to Malibu Creek State Park.
Equipment used:
Explore Scientific 102mm f/7 FCD100 Triplet Carbon Fiber Refractor telescope
Svbony 60mm guide scope and ZWO ASI120MM-S camera
ZWO ASI294MC Pro dedicated astrophotography camera
ZWO Electronic Automatic Focuser
ZWO ASIAIR Plus computer
Optolong IR/UV Cut filter
Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount with Rowan belt modification
Imaging data:
Lights: 238 x 5-minute exposures
Darks: 24 x 5 minutes exposures
Flats and Dark Flats: 100 exposures
Processing software:
Contact me if you are interested in purchasing image printed on metal or prints (frame your own image) at KmmWoodWorks@gmail.com
Please note there maybe cropping of the image to fit specific printing size. I will do my best to capture the best part of the image.
There are two images of this target, one wide angle including other far galaxies and a closeup of the galaxy. Please specify which image you would like as wall art. Prices below are calculated on the close up image.
Optional printing; image only or name of image no additional cost.
Price for printing on metal and photographic paper is constantly changing, please contact me for the most up to date dimensions and prices.
Prices do not include shipping.
Price subject to change