IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula
The Witch Head nebula is in the constellation Orion. It is an extremely faint reflection nebula believed to be an ancient supernova remnant or gas cloud illuminated by nearby star Rigel, approximately 900 light years from earth. The dust particles reflect blue light better than red, giving the dust cloud a blue hue. This image was captured in my backyard with a telescope and dedicated astrophotography camera.
Equipment used:
William Optics Zenithstar 61II APO (360mm) with field flattener
Orion 50mm guide scope and ZWO ASI120mini camera
ZWO ASI924MC Pro dedicated astrophotography camera
ZWO Electronic Automatic Focuser
ZWO ASIAIR Plus computer
Optolong L-Pro filter
Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount with Rowan belt modification
Imaging data:
Lights: 180 x 5-minute exposures
Darks: 50 x 5 minutes exposures
Flats and Dark Flats: 100 exposures
Processing software:
Contact me if you are interested in purchasing image printed on metal or prints (frame your own image) at KmmWoodWorks@gmail.com
Please note there maybe cropping of the image to fit specific printing size. I will do my best to capture the best part of the image.
Optional printing; image only or name of image no additional cost.
Price for printing on metal and photographic paper is constantly changing, please contact me for the most up to date dimensions and prices.
Prices do not include shipping.
Price subject to change